About Us

We are a local 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization also known as Mountainland Head Start, Inc. providing high-quality services since 1978. We are a single-purpose entity, meaning our services are uniquely targeted to the early childhood field. We have a long established record of serving children who face barriers to success and their families in Utah, Wasatch and Juab counties in the state of Utah for over 40 years.

Our Mission

Empowering young children and families along a path to their highest potential by

Providing individualized preschool services for children to be academically, socially, emotionally, and physically ready for school with parents as the primary educator, and

Partnering with families to develop life skills and achieve self-sufficiency

Our Vision

Healthy Children and Families Engaged in Lifelong Learning

Our Values

Respect spelt out with blocks


Treating others with compassion, consideration, appreciation and dignity


Working collaboratively as a team with ownership and alignment toward a common goal


Demonstrating the highest standards of personal integrity, professional competence, and ethical practices in behavior


Demonstrating the highest standards of honesty, honor, sincerity, truthfulness and courage in accountability through actively pursuing congruity between organizational values and our actions


Applying personal and organizational resources in new ways to create excellence and fulfill our mission more effectively in an ever-changing environment

Guiding Principles

Our guiding principles reflect our approach to accomplish our mission. They are the norms that dictate how we implement our mission and core agency strategies. They are unwavering and reflect how we interact with each other, our clients and the community.

1. We are motivated by the potential of children and families

2. We are accountable and utilize resources wisely

3. We strive for excellence and seek continuous quality improvement

4. We seek opportunities for collaboration and partnerships

5. We promote a spirit of fairness and ethical behavior

6. We respect individual and cultural diversity



Stories of Impact